The High Energy Photon Source(HEPS)is a 6 GeV diffraction-limited storage ring light source under construction.The swap-out injection is adopted with the depleted bunch recycled via high-energy accumulation in the booster.The extremely high beam energy density of the bunches with an ultra-low emittance(about 30 pm hori-zontally and 3 pm vertically)and high bunch charges(from 1.33 to 14.4 nC)extracted from the storage ring could cause hazardous damage to the extraction Lambertson magnet in case of extraction kicker failure.To this end,we proposed the use of a pre-kicker to spoil the bunches prior to extraction,significantly reducing the maximum beam energy density down to within a safe region while still maintaining highly efficient extractions.The main param-eters of the pre-kicker are simulated and discussed.