A series of experiments were conducted to investigate the wettability of graphite plate, graphite paper, NWCNTs Buckypaper, CVD-diamond by molten Ce and graphite plate by Cu-Ce binary alloy using a modified sessile drop method at 950 ℃. The remarkable apparent equilibrium contact angles (graphite plate (0°)<graphite paper (18°)<CVD-diamond (24°)<NWCNT (62°)) were obtained in the Ce/carbon system. When Ce concentration in Cu-Ce/graphite is above 20 at%, the wettability of graphite plate can be improved significantly. As a result, the dissolution of graphite into Ce makes infiltrated process proceeded easily due to the decrease of surface tension of liquid, which is different from Ce/graphite paper. In Ce/CVD diamond system, the dissolution of diamond layer and the decomposition reaction of WC lead to the good wettability. A relatively higher contact angle is caused by high stability of carbon wall in Ce/NWCNT system. The reaction product at interface and the decrease of surface tension due to surface tension-active character of Ce together induce the improved wettability.