The superfamily of cytochrome P450(CYP)enzymes plays key roles in plant evolution and metabolic diver-sification.This review provides a status on the CYP landscape within green algae and land plants.The 11 conserved CYP clans known from vascular plants are all present in green algae and several green algae-specific clans are recognized.Clan 71,72,and 85 remain the largest CYP clans and include many taxa-specific CYP(sub)families reflecting emergence of linage-specific pathways.Molecular features and dy-namics of CYP plasticity and evolution are discussed and exemplified by selected biosynthetic pathways.High substrate promiscuity is commonly observed for CYPs from large families,favoring retention of gene duplicates and neofunctionalization,thus seeding acquisition of new functions.Elucidation of biosynthetic pathways producing metabolites with sporadic distribution across plant phylogeny reveals multiple exam-ples of convergent evolution where CYPs have been independently recruited from the same or different CYP families,to adapt to similar environmental challenges or ecological niches.Sometimes only a single or a few mutations are required for functional interconversion.A compilation of functionally characterized plant CYPs is provided online through the Plant P450 Database(