With the rapid development of the era of big data and the Internet of Things technology, the demand for wearable electronics is also increasing.Compared with traditional solid and rigid electronic conductors, flexible/stretchable strain sensors have received widespread attention due to their controllable mechanical properties, light weight and easy integration with the human skin [1-3].However, a large amount of heat is generated in the flexible electronics during the repeated deformation processes.The increased heat will pose a tremendous threat to the safety and reliability of stretchable electronics, and even cause them to fail in structure and become unusable.The introduction of materials with high thermal conductivity is a necessary condition for dissipating heat from the stretchable electronics.It is reported that the temperature in the comfort zone of human skin ranges from 30 to 34 ℃ [4].The increasing temperature caused by heat accumulation may lead to great discomfort and even endanger the safety and health of the human body for wearable electronics that require to be attached to human skin.Therefore, it is necessary to employ materials with good thermal insulation properties.