The isothermal section of the Ho-Fe-In system at 773 K has been constructed by X-ray powder diffraction.One known structure ternary compound Er12Fe2In3-type Ho12Fe2In3 has been confirmed.At the same time,solid solutions are not detected in Ho-Fe-In system at 773 K.The magnetic transition and magnetocaloric effect of Ho12Fe2.08In2.92 alloy with Er12Fe2In3-type structure were investigated by magnetic susceptibility and isothermal magnetization measurements.One normal antiferromagnetic-paramagnetic transition and another abnormal one are discovered at 18 and 76 K in ground state,respectively.Owing to a first-order field-induced metamagnetic transition (antiferromagnetic-ferromagnetic) at/below the Néel temperature of 18 K),the negative entropy changes are observed at corresponding temperature.There is only a second-order ferromagnetic-paramagnetic transition near Curie temperature (Tc),the maximum entropy change (△Smax) values are-6.14J·kg-1·K-1 at 3K and 7.88 J·kg-1·K-1 at 28 K in a field range of 0-7 T.The reversible relative cooling power corresponding to negative entropy change can reach about 600 J·kg-1 in an wide operating temperature region △Tcycl =74 K from 16 to 90 K,which suggests that Ho12Fe2.08In2.92 could be a potential material for magnetic refrigeration in the correponding temperature range.