Objective: To explore the mechanism of Bupleurum on fever by means of networkpharmacology, and to provide ideas for further experimental study. Methods: The effectivecomponents and targets of Xiaochaihu Decoction and Bupleurum were extracted by searchingTCM systematic pharmacology database (TCMSP), and got to the effective components andtargets of Xiaochaihu Decoction. By searching GeneCards database, disGeNET database,OMIM database and symmap database to extract the disease target of fever. And the "proteininteraction network" was constructed with the protein interaction relationship in HINTdatabase as the background network, and the GO enrichment analysis and KEGG pathwayenrichment analysis were carried out on the targets by using R software and DAVID database.Results: 726 kinds of effective components of Xiaochaihu Decoction were obtained fromTCMSP database, including 215 kinds of effective components of Bupleurum, 677 targetsof Xiaochaihu Decoction and 516 targets of Bupleurum. A total of 7305 fever-related geneswere obtained from the disease database, and 400 key targets of Bupleurum for fever treatment were obtained by mapping drug targets and disease targets GAPDH, AKT1, INS, IL-6 and VEGFA, are the targets with high node connectivity in PPI network. The results of GO enrichment of key targets by R software are cofactor binding and coenzyme binding. KEGG enrichment pathway of key targets involves infection, cancer, immune system diseases and so on. Conclusion: This study preliminarily verified the effect and mechanism of Bupleurum on fever, and provided reference for further study.