Precise measurements of the cavity forward (Vf)and reflected signals (Vr) are essential for characterizing other key parameters such as the cavity detuning and for-ward power.In practice,it is challenging to measure Vf and Vr precisely because of cross talk between the forward and reflected channels (e.g.,coupling between the cavity reflected and forward signals in a directional coupler with limited directivity).For DESY,a method based on the cavity differential equation was proposed to precisely cal-ibrate the actual Vf and Vr.In this study,we verified the validity and practicability of this approach for the Chinese ADS front-end demo superconducting linac (CAFe) facility at the Institute of Modern Physics and a compact energy recovery linac (cERL) test machine at KEK.At the CAFe facility,we successfully calibrated the actual Vf signal using this method.The result demonstrated that the direc-tivity of directional couplers might seriously affect the accuracy of Vf measurement.At the cERL facility,we calibrated the Lorentz force detuning (LFD) using the actual Vf.Our study confirmed that the precise calibration of Vf significantly improves the accuracy of the cavity LFD measurement.