Objective:To explore the core acupoints and combination rules of acupuncture therapy for postoperative urinary retention after hemorrhoidectomy,and,further to analyze the characteristics of the prescription of acupuncture therapy for postoperative urinary retention after hemorrhoidectomy.Methods:Relevant clinical studies in seven databases were searched systematically from database in-ception to 1st October 2020.Based on data mining techniques,the core acupoints,characteristics and combination rules of acupuncture therapy for postoperative urinary retention after hemorrhoidectomy were analyzed comprehensively.Statistics collected and analysis of acupoint selection included the fre-quency of usage of acupoints,the meridian of acupoints,the location of acupoints and the combination of acupoints.Cluster and association analysis were performed utilizing Excel 13.0 and SPSS 26.0.Results:In the 36 studies included,the most frequently adopted acupoint was Sānyīnjiāo (三阴交 SP6);the most frequently adopted meridian was the foot-taiyin spleen meridian;the most frequently involved location was the lower limbs;and the most frequently adopted combination of acupoints was SP6 and Zhōngjí(中极CV 3).Cluster analysis showed that the acupoints could be divided into three categories:the first group comprised SP6 alone;the second group included CV3,Guānyuán(关元CV4),Yīnlíngquán(阴陵泉SP9) and Zúsānff(足三里ST36);and the third group included Pángguāngshū(膀胱俞BL28),Chéngshān(承山BL57),Tàichōng(太冲LR3),Zhìbiān(秩边BL54),Tàixī(太溪KI6),Hégǔ(合谷LI4),Xuèhǎi(血海SP10),Qìhǎi(气海CV6) and Shǔidào(水道ST28).Conclusion:It was found that acupuncture therapy for postoperative urinary retention after hemor-rhoidectomy mainly follows the four characteristic rules:the selection of acupoints following the merid-ian,selection of acupoints at local points,selection of acupoints at distal points and selection of acupoints according to special symptoms.