Significant achievements have been made in breeding programs for the heavy-panicle-type (HPT)rice (Oryza sativa) in Southwest China.The HPT varieties now exhibit excellent lodging resistance,allowing them to overcome the greater pressures caused by heavy panicles.However,the genetic mechanism of this lodging resistance remains elusive.Here,we isolated a major quantitative trait locus,Panicle Neck Diameter 1 (PND1),and identified the causal gene as GRAIN NUMBER 1A/CYTOKININ OXlDASE 2 (Gn1A/OsCKX2).The null gn1a allele from rice line R498 (gn1aR498) improved lodging resistance through increasing the culm di-ameter and promoting crown root development.Loss-of-function of Gn1a/OsCKX2 led to cytokinin accumulation in the crown root tip and accelerated the development of adventitious roots.Gene pyr-amiding between the null gn1aR498 allele with two gain-of-function alleles,STRONG CULM 2 (SCM2)and SCM3,further improved lodging resistance.Moreover,Gn1a/OsCKX2 had minimal influence on overall rice quality.Our research thus highlights the distinct genetic components of lodging resistance of HPT varieties and provides a strategy for tailor-made crop improvement of both yield and lodging resistance in rice.