The entangled coherent states(ECSs)have been widely used to realize quantum information processing tasks.However,the ECSs may suffer from photon loss and decoherence due to the inherent noise in quantum channel,which may degrade the fidelity of ECSs.To overcome these obstacles,we present a measurement-based entanglement purification protocol(MBEPP)for ECSs to distill some high-quality ECSs from a large number of low-quality copies.We first show the principle of this MBEPP without considering the photon loss.After that,we prove that this MBEPP is feasible to correct the error resulted from the photon loss.Additionally,this MBEPP only requires to operate the Bell state measurement without performing local two-qubit gates on the noisy pairs and the purified high-quality ECSs can be preserved for other applications.This MBEPP may have application potential in the implementation of long-distance quantum communication.