Device stability becomes one of the most crucial issues for the commercialization of organic solar cells(OSCs) after high power conversion efficiencies have been achieved.Besides the intrinsic stability of pho-toactive materials,the chemical/catalytic reaction between interfacial materials and photoactive materi-als is another critical factor that determines the stability of OSC devices.Herein,we design and synthesize a reaction-inert rylene diimide-embedded hyperbranched polymer named as PDIEIE,which effectively reduces the work function of indium tin oxide electrode from 4.62 to 3.65 eV.Meanwhile,PDIEIE shows negligible chemical reaction with high-performance photoactive materials and no catalytic effect under strong ultraviolet illumination,resulting in much better photo-stability of OSCs with PDIEIE cathode interlayer (CIL),relative to the traditional CILs,including most-widely used metal oxides and polyethyle-neimine derivatives.