The phenomenon Anderson localization explains the metal-insulator transition in a material with the increase of disorder and its electrons'transport change from diffusive into loca-lized.The study of the Anderson localization has been ex-tended to many fields of physics,including the quasiperiodic or incommensurate systems.According to the single-para-meter scaling theory,an arbitrarily small on-site random disorder induces all states being localized in one and two dimensions,with no mobility edges to separate extended states from the localized ones.However,such a scaling theory is invalid to the quasiperiodic systems,for which lower-dimensional quasicrystals may exhibit a metal-in-sulator transition.For example,a few generalized Aubry-André(AA)models with exact mobility edges have been proposed,which provide significant help to understand the localization in one-dimensional(1D)systems.Un-fortunately,a two-dimensional(2D)generalization of the quasiperiodic AA model is not exactly solvable.