High loads of ground-level ozone have occurred with the implementation of the Air Poilu-tion Prevention and Control Action Plan.However,the long temporal variation in precursor nonmethane hydrocarbons (NMHCs) has rarely been studied.In this study,we examined the evolution of NMHCs in Beijing based on ambient measurements from 2000 to 2019.The re-sults indicated that the annual variation of ambient NMHCs during 2000 and 2019 could be divided into two stages.The mixing ratios of NMHCs rapidly rose during 2000 and 2009 (1.76 ppbv/year) but exhibited a downward trend from 2009 to 2019 at rate of 0.80 ppbv/yr.More-over,the notable decrease in alkenes and aromatics after 2009 led to a sharp decrease in the propylene-equivalent concentration (PEC) (-0.80 ppbv/year).Implementation of emission re-duction measures in Beijing have effectively reduced the contribution of vehicle-related sources,but the contribution of solvent usage and fuel consumption increased,which will become the focus of VOC control in Beijing in the future.