In the contact interaction model,the quark propagator has only one solution,namely,the chiral sym-metry breaking solution,at vanishing temperature and density in the case of physical quark mass.We generalize the condensate feedback onto the coupling strength from the 2 flavor case to the 2+1 flavor case,and find the Wigner solution appears in some regions,which enables us to tackle chiral phase transition as two-phase coexistences.At fi-nite chemical potential,we analyze the chiral phase transition in the conditions of electric charge neutrality and β equilibrium.The four chemical potentials,μu,μd,μs andμe,are constrained by three conditions,so that one inde-pendent variable remains:we choose the average quark chemical potential as the free variable.All quark masses and number densities suffer discontinuities at the phase transition point.The strange quarks appear after the phase trans-ition since the system needs more energy to produce a d-quark than an s-quark.Taking the EOS as an input,the TOV equations are solved numerically,and we show that the mass-radius relation is sensitive to the EOS.The max-imum mass of strange quark stars is not susceptible to the parameter Aq we introduced.