In conventional ethylene carbonate (EC)/propylene car-bonate (PC) electrolyte,sodium metal reacts spontaneously and del-eteriously with solvent molecules.This significantly limits the prac-tical feasibility of high-voltage sodium metal batteries based on Na metal chemistry.Herein,we present a sodium metal alloy strategy via introducing NaIn and Na2In phases in a Na/In/C composite,aiming at boosting Na ion deposition stability in the common EC/PC electro-lyte.Symmetric cells with Na/In/C electrodes achieve an impressive long-term cycling capability at 1 mA cm-2 (> 870 h) and 5 mA cm-2(> 560 h),respectively,with a capacity of 1 mAh cm-2.In situ optical microscopy clearly unravels a stable Na ion dynamic deposition process on the Na/In/C composite electrode surface,attributing to a dendrite-free and smooth morphology.Furthermore,theoretical simulations reveal intrinsic mechanism for the reversible Na ion deposition behavior with the composite Na/In/C electrode.Upon pairing with a high-voltage NaVPOF cathode,Na/In/C anode illustrates a better suitability in SMBs.This work promises an alternative alloying strategy for enhancing Na metal interfacial stability in the common EC/PC electrolyte for their future applications.