RM3 compounds (R =rare earth metals,M =transition metals) have rarely been studied for gaseous hydrogen storage applications because of unfavorable thermodynamics.In this work,the hydrogen storage properties of a single-phase YFe3 alloy were improved by non-stoichiometric composition and alloying with Sc and Zr.Only the Y1.1-yScyFe3 (y =0.22,0.33) alloys consist of a single rhombohedral phase.The Sc substitution for Y leads to the reduction in the unit cell volume of the YFe3 phase,and thus significantly increases the dehydriding equilibrium pressure and decreases the dehydrogenation tem-perature.The alloy Y0.77Sc0.33Fe3 delivers a decomposition enthalpy change of 33.54 kJ/mol and a lowest dehydrogenation temperature of 135 ℃,in comparison with 38.99 kJ/mol and 165 ℃ for the alloy Y1.1Fe3.The Zr substitution causes a similar thermodynamic destabilization effect,but the composition and microstructure of Y-Zr-Fe alloys need to be further optimized.