Ragahama Formation comprises a siliciclastic continental deposits followed by marine carbonates, representing prograding alluvial fans from adjacent high hinterlands seaward into lagoons and fringing reef environments. The present work aimed to document the facies development and sedimentology of the Raghama carbonates exposed along the eastern coastal plain of the Red Sea, northwestern Saudi Arabia. Four stratigraphic sections were measured and sampled(D1–D4) and thin sections and major and trace element analyses were prepared and applied for petrographic and geochemical approaches. The carbonates were subdivided into three successive fore-reef, reef-core, and back-reef depositional facies. Sandy stromatolitic boundstone, microbial laminites, dolomitic ooidal grainstone, bioclastic coralline algal wackestone, sandy bioclastic wackestone, and coral boundstones were the reported microfacies types. Petrographic analysis reveals that the studied carbonates were affected by dissolution, dolomitization, and aggrading recrystallization, which affects both the original micrite matrix and grains or acts as fracture and veinlet filling leading to widespread vuggy and moldic porosity. No evidence of physical compaction, suggesting rapid lithification and recrystallization during early diagenesis and prior to substantial burial and intensive flushing by meteoric waters. Most of the original microstructure of corals were leached and destructed. This is indicated by the higher depletion in Sr and Ca levels and increase in Mg,Na, Fe, and Mn levels, especially in section D1, in comparison with the worldwide carbonates.