

China Weekly

  • 作者:
    刊名: 中国周刊
    发表期刊: 2005年1期
    页码:  4-5
    摘要: Local architecture refers to structures built in the countryside,such as temples,memorial halls...
  • 作者: FuJing
    刊名: 中国周刊
    发表期刊: 2005年1期
    页码:  6-8
    摘要: About 70 kilometres north of the ancient Chinese capital Xi'an lies a coal belt underneath the ...
  • 作者: LiuShu
    刊名: 中国周刊
    发表期刊: 2005年1期
    页码:  9-10
    摘要: It's a little strange to see Chinese digital video (DV) directors wearing suits and ties, speak...
  • 作者:
    刊名: 中国周刊
    发表期刊: 2005年1期
    页码:  11-12
    摘要: Many marketing executives did a double-take when Chanel in April tested a marketing medium prev...
  • 作者: LingNanren
    刊名: 中国周刊
    发表期刊: 2005年1期
    页码:  13-15
    摘要: It is a rare for anyone in Hong Kong not to have patronised Maxim's cake shops, fast food outle...
  • 作者: RainerThomm
    刊名: 中国周刊
    发表期刊: 2005年1期
    页码:  16-23
    摘要: I began photographing wild animals at Baiquan in 2002,what is really propelling me to go back t...
  • 作者: CynthiaHall
    刊名: 中国周刊
    发表期刊: 2005年1期
    页码:  24-27
    摘要: The backstreets are those old narrow lanes, never considered as arterial roads, hidden behind h...
  • 作者: CecileBarbier
    刊名: 中国周刊
    发表期刊: 2005年1期
    页码:  28-29
    摘要: Ioften hear people say that two days are more than enough to visit Hong Kong and that it's noth...
  • 作者:
    刊名: 中国周刊
    发表期刊: 2005年1期
    页码:  30-33
    摘要: Aland-locked state three times the size of France bordered by Rus sia to the north and China to...
  • 作者: BaoXinyan
    刊名: 中国周刊
    发表期刊: 2005年1期
    页码:  34-36
    摘要: Although Chen Chunyu, the head of our tour group had told us to, get ready by eight o'clock, Xi...
  • 作者: BruceConnlly
    刊名: 中国周刊
    发表期刊: 2005年1期
    页码:  37-39
    摘要: Early one January morning I sat in a modern Daewoo coach of Yunnan Express as it pulled out of ...
  • 作者: RenatoSabbatini
    刊名: 中国周刊
    发表期刊: 2005年1期
    页码:  40-41
    摘要: Honestly, aren't you sometimes getting just a little fed up with the noise and the grime of the...
  • 作者: EndaKenny
    刊名: 中国周刊
    发表期刊: 2005年1期
    页码:  42-43
    摘要: Dervish lives up to its promises on concert billings: “Dervish concert performances are a myria...
  • 作者:
    刊名: 中国周刊
    发表期刊: 2005年1期
    页码:  44-47
    摘要: The film portrays in a realistic mode to the life some ordinary people living at the bottom of ...
  • 作者:
    刊名: 中国周刊
    发表期刊: 2005年1期
    页码:  48
    摘要: 1/2 head of mud carp,75 grams soy sauce,15 grams soy bean paste,1 piece tender beancurd,50 gram...
  • 作者:
    刊名: 中国周刊
    发表期刊: 2005年4期
    页码:  4-5
    摘要: The main religions of ancient China were Buddhism,Taoism and Islam, of which Buddhism was the m...
  • 作者:
    刊名: 中国周刊
    发表期刊: 2005年4期
    页码:  6-9
    摘要: Wetlands are shallow marine waters and wet areas in cluding rivers, lakes and marshes. Accordin...
  • 作者:
    刊名: 中国周刊
    发表期刊: 2005年4期
    页码:  10-11
    摘要: Wang Guocai, 68-year-old rises at daybreak, reaches for his birdcage and heads to one of Beijin...
  • 作者:
    刊名: 中国周刊
    发表期刊: 2005年4期
    页码:  12-16
    摘要: Shanghai once had its most colorful days in 1930s, when the Bund was a center for entertainment...
  • 作者: RainerThomm
    刊名: 中国周刊
    发表期刊: 2005年4期
    页码:  18-19
    摘要: What's the first thing to come to mind when thinking of Cuba? - Sugar? Rum? Caribbean beauties?...
  • 作者:
    刊名: 中国周刊
    发表期刊: 2005年4期
    页码:  20-22
    摘要: The sea turtle - haigui - may be one of the animal kingdom's most endangered species, but in it...
  • 作者: MikeMcNiffe
    刊名: 中国周刊
    发表期刊: 2005年4期
    页码:  23-27
    摘要: As Nagano, Japan, passes on the torch of the 2005 Special Olympics World Winter Games, Shanghai...
  • 作者: ChetWaxyhen
    刊名: 中国周刊
    发表期刊: 2005年4期
    页码:  28-31
    摘要: Executives show Chinese counterparts that environmentally-friendly business is more profitable ...
  • 作者: DengXiao'e
    刊名: 中国周刊
    发表期刊: 2005年4期
    页码:  32-36
    摘要: Legend and history alike have held women accountable for the problems of men, from Helen of Tro...
  • 作者: HongJingtian
    刊名: 中国周刊
    发表期刊: 2005年4期
    页码:  38-41
    摘要: Long before it took the coveted Jury Grand Prix award at the 55th Berlin Film Festival last mon...
  • 作者:
    刊名: 中国周刊
    发表期刊: 2005年4期
    页码:  42-43
    摘要: It is a story occurring in the magic world, Sophie, who, at the wonderful age of 18, should hav...
  • 作者: EditedbyChenYu
    刊名: 中国周刊
    发表期刊: 2005年4期
    页码:  44-46
    摘要: Howl's Moving Castleproves once again that Japan's animation king of Hayao Miyazaki has a grea...
  • 作者:
    刊名: 中国周刊
    发表期刊: 2005年4期
    页码:  47-49
    摘要: Frankie Dunn (Clint Eastwood) has trained and managed some incredible fighters during a life ti...
  • 作者:
    刊名: 中国周刊
    发表期刊: 2005年4期
    页码:  50-53
    摘要: Howard Hughes-visionary airplane tycoon, unbuttoned movie mogul, insatiable woman-chaser and ma...
  • 作者:
    刊名: 中国周刊
    发表期刊: 2005年4期
    页码:  54-57
    摘要: Private Aleksandr Matrosov(Soviet Union 1947);Waterloo Bridge (U.S.A 1947);La Grande Vadrouille...


刊名 中国周刊 主编 郭爱群
主办单位 中华儿女报刊社  主管单位 共青团中央
出版周期 月刊 语种
ISSN 1671-3117 CN 11-4717/F
邮编 100101 电子邮箱
电话 010-836687 网址
地址 北京朝阳区小关北里45号世纪嘉园3号楼一


