【正】 Editor’s note: Not unlike the case in Europe and U.S. early this century, there are hundreds of small and inefficient vehicle producers in China. In order to help readers of CHINA AUTO get a clear understanding from so complicated circumstances, CHINA AUTO leads its readers follow the developments of the 8 most important automotive operations on a continuous basis. Starting from the first issue of this year, CHINA AUTO adopted new title for each automotive operation based on its major manufacturer, as it is officially used. Beijing’s data is contributed by BJC, BLAC, BLBC and BAW. Tianjin’s data is contributed by Tianjin Mini Car Factory (cars), Tianjin Auto Factory (light trucks & mini vans/mini trucks) and Tianjin Sanfeng Bus Co. Ltd. (mini-bus). CNHTC’s data is contributed by three heavy truck producers in Jinan, Sichuan and Shanxi respectively.