<正> safety net 本来是杂技、马戏等行道的用语,指演员在高空表演时为防止失误摔伤而设置的安全网。例如:His most dangerous stunt was walking the tightrope without a safety net.他最危险的绝技是不用安全网走绷索。后来.safety net 也被用来指处于困境时可以依赖的东西。例如:The Fund is our safety net if anything should go wrong.如果出了什么事,这笔基金就是我们的安全网。在70年代,有人在《华尔街邮报》上撰文说:“The safety-net idea thatI used applied to the international banking system——that is,there would bean international leoder of last resort that would serve as a safety net for