Aim Pseudomyxoma retroperitonei is a rare conditioncharacterized by mucinous implants in the retroperitonealspace. It is commonly associated with cystadenoma orcystadenocarcinoma of a retrocecal appendix.Methods A case of patient with pseudomyxomaretroperitonei and reviewed the literature was reported.Results A 68-year lady was operated for a presumedappendix abscess. A large amount of mucin was found in thefight hemi-retroperitoneal space during the operation.Appendectomy was performed together with the removal ofmucin . In addition intraoperative chemotherapy was used.Histologic diagnosis showed mucinous adenocarcinoma of theappendix. She was given systemic chemotherapypostoperatively (5-FU, MMC). Half a year later, she wasreferred to our hospital with an elevated CEA and CTrevealed a mass within the right hemi-retroperitoneal space.During exploration, the lesion was found to be encapsulatedand was completely removed . She remains disease-free nowfor 3 years since the last operation.Conclusion Primary mucinous adenocarcinoma is a diseasedifficult to diagnose, it has a relatively good prognosis evenwith pseudomyxoma peritonei or retroperitonei.Appendectomy with removal of all mucin tissue is a suitablechoice of treatment for some patients. Chemotherapy,especially intraoperative chemotherapy is recommended to improve survival.