We measured the charge exchange cross-sections in collisions of Ar^q+(q=8, 9, 11, 12) on Ne atoms at low impact energies from 80 keV to 240 keV, and obtained a set of cross-section data. In order to understand the charge exchange processes, we combined the Molecular Classical over-Barrier Model (MCBM) developed by Niehaus[1] with auto-ionization and electron evaporation of multiply excited states. This was described in detail in Refs.[2, 3]. The de-excitation was considered only via Auger process (auto-ionization) in Refs.[4]. In our treatment, the multiply excited states of the projectile undergo Auger decay while the electrons in the multiply excited states of target ions undergo statistical evaporation[5'6]. For projectile auto-ionization, some criterions based on the Auger electron spectra are applied in order to proceed the sequential decay. To calculate the evaporation probability, one has to get the excitation energy of the system. In our case, the excitation energy was obtained according to the states occupied by the captured electrons based on the MCBM. The values are different from the ones in, but more realistic. If one traces each molecularized electrons to its final states in the processes, one can reproduce each possible reaction channel. The processes discussed can be summarized in the following equation