[ 篇名 ] 59{sup left}Co, 23{sup left}Na NMR and electric field gradient calculations in the layered cobalt oxides NaCoO{sub}2 and HCoO{sub}2,[ 篇名 ] A discussion on using a pendulum as a method for impact testing vehicle sub-systems,[ 篇名 ] A fast Godunov method for the water-hammer problem,[ 篇名 ] A Godunov method for the computation of erosional shallow water transients,[ 篇名 ] A light scattering study of the aggregation kinetics of carbon black suspensions in Group l and Group 2 base oils. Influence of dispersant additives,[ 篇名 ] A Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Generation of Double-walled Nanotubes from Peapods,[ 篇名 ] A nco-Aristotclian theory of interactive drama,[ 篇名 ] A new framework for declarative programming,[ 篇名 ] A new method to predict convective heat transfer in a tube with twisted tape inserts for turbulent flow,[ 篇名 ] A new pump for CVT applications,[ 篇名 ] A new set-up for the generation of humidity in the PP range。