[ 篇名 ] A conceptual optimisation approach for the multiperiod planning of utility networks, [篇名] A steam turbine-generator vibration fault diagnosis method based on rough set, [ 篇名 ] Advanced ‘expert system' for online condition monitoring and evaluation program, [ 篇名 ] Advanced heat resisting steel for steam turbine rotor and gas turbine disc: its current topics and trends, [ 篇名 ] Advanced steam conditions, [ 篇名 ] Ageing effect on creep-fatigue properties of super-clean 9%CrMoV steel for steam turbine rotors of combined cycle power plants, [ 篇名 ] An effective continuum damage mechanics model for creep-fatigue life assessment of a steam turbine rotor, [ 篇名 ] An investigation of the failure of low pressure stearr turbine blades, [篇名 ] Analysis by computer simulation of a combined gas turbine and steam turbine (COGAS) system for marint propulsion, [ 篇名] ANALYSIS OF OPERATION CONDITIONS FOR A GEOTHRMAL HEATING PLANT WITH A GAS TURBINE, [ 篇名 ] Application of expert system (ES) technology in fault diagnosis of steam turbine generators, [ 篇名 ] Application of nonlinear controller in speed control of power systems, [ 篇名 ] Application of SOM neural network in fault diagnosis of the steam turbine regenerative system, [ 篇名] Application of stress relaxation test methodology for predicting creep life of a large steam turbine rotor steel (ICrMoV).