In organic materials absorption of light results in creation of the Frenkel excitons, Coulomb -bound electron-hole pairs having an integer spin. Being composite bosons, Frenkel excitons may accumulate in significant quantities in a single quantum state. The probability of photon absorption by such a state increases as (N+1) where N is the occupation number of the state. This enhancement is due to the stimulated ab-sorption of light, which is a final-state stimu-lated process analogous to the well-known stimulated emission of light. We propose using the stimulated absorption for creation of solar cells of a record quantum efficiency. We are going to use the organic microspheres to ac-cumulate the Frenkel excitons at the discrete frequencies corresponding to the photonic whispering gallery modes of the sphere. The dissociation of accumulated Frenkel excitons will be effectuated periodically using the trans-parent carbon contacts on a piezoelectric mechnical support.