We present a new well behaved class of exact solutions of Einstein-Maxwell field equations. This solution describes charge fluid balls with positively finite central pressure, positively finite central density;their ratio is less than one and causality condition is obeyed at the centre. The gravitational red shift is positive throughout positive within the ball. Outmarch of pressure, density, pressure-density ratio, the adiabatic speed of sound and gravitational red shift is monotonically decreasing, however, the electric intensity is monotonically increasing in nature. The solution gives us wide range of parameter K (0.72 ≤ K ≤ 2.41) for which the solution is well behaved hence, suitable for modeling of super dense star. For this solution the mass of a star is maximized with all degree of suitability and by assuming the surface density ρb = 2 × 1014g/cm3. Corresponding to K = 0.72 with X = 0.15, the resulting well behaved model has the mass M = 1.94 MΘ with radius rb ? 15.2 km and for K = 2.41 with X = 0.15, the resulting well behaved model has the mass M = 2.26 MΘ with radius rb ? 14.65 km.