Gap non-union of the tibia is frequently associated with deformity, infection and shortening. Ilizarov’s method of bone transport was used in the management of twenty-five cases of gap non-union of the tibia. The mean bone gap was 6.53 cm (range 4 to 12 cm). Union was achieved in all cases within a mean period of 11.12 months. The mean time taken for union, per centimeter of bone gap was found to be 1.7 months/cm. Pin tract infection was the commonest complication, seen in 9 cases (36%). The other complications encountered were neuropraxia (n = 3) deviation of the transported bone segment (n = 7), buckling of skin at the advancing side of bone (n = 4), traumatic corticotomy (n = 3), incomplete corticotomy (n = 1), equinus deformity (n = 4), knee stiffness (n = 4) and curling of toes (n = 4). The bone healing results were excellent in 92% of cases and good in 8% of cases. The functional results were excellent in 84% of cases, good in 12% and fair in 4% of cases. Thus bone transport by Ilizarov’s method manages the bone loss and the associated conditions with good bone healing and functional results.