Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide. In 2030, 26.4 million new cases will be diagnosed, with 17 million deaths accounted worldwide. Prostate cancer is the sixth most common type in the world, and the second most commom in men. For Brazil, the number of new cases of prostate cancer in 2010 is estimated to 52,350. Treatment of prostate cancer may be by surgery, radiation or even vigilant observation. A method of radiotherapy which has been extensively used is brachytherapy, where Iodine-125 seeds are placed inside or next to the area requiring treatment. Iodine seeds can be introduced loose seeds or stranded in bioabsorbable polymers in order to increase the dosimetric coverage of the prostate and reducing the chance of seed migration. Data were gathered concerning the commercialization of loose seeds and stranded seeds, between 2005 and 2011, in Brazil. It was noted that the number of stranded seeds commercialized in Brazil (around 80%) has always been much greater than the number of loose seeds, reaching 90% last year. The main reason is the reduction of the seed migration events into other parts of the body, since there is a potential hazard even considering that no harmful effect has been observe. The data regarding dosimetry are still controversial, since the seeds that migrate is normally no more than 1%.