Crystal orientation and corrosion resistance of CuNi10Fe1Mn alloy billet under rotating electromagnetic field
Crystal orientation and corrosion resistance of CuNi10Fe1Mn alloy billet under rotating electromagnetic field
CuNi10Fe1Mn alloy billet under rotating electromagnetic field (REF) was characterized in this work. The change of the crystal orientation was first explored by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning election microscope (SEM); the corrosion resistance was done by three electrodes system, and the natural sea water was used as corrosion medium. The results demonstrate that the strongest crystal orientation is transformed from crystal plane (200) to (111); moreover, the crystal plane (111) whose intensity is the strongest on the cross section and vertical section with REF causes the tubes be rolled easily, and the corrosion resistance of the billet is increasing with REF. As a result, properties of CuNi10Fe1Mn alloy tubes can be improved by REF.