The purposes of this study were, 1) to study the variety of mushrooms grown in the Dry Dipterocarp forest during the year 2008-2009 by Releve method, 2) to study the relationship between ShoreasiamensisMiq. And Ectomycorrhizal of the Amanitaceae and the Belotaceae families, and 3) study the sequencesof DNAsinsome types of mushrooms in the Amanitaceae and the Balotaceae families by the PCR method. The findings of the study were as thefollowings: First, they were totally 34 types of mush-rooms found in Dry Dipterocarp forest at the Phuphan National Park during the studying period, 2008- 2009. There were 26 types found in both years Amanita hemibapha subsp. javanica Corner & Bas, A. princeps Corner & Bas, A. umbrinolutea (Secr. ex Gillet) Bataille, Termi-tomycesmicro- carpus (Berk. & Br.) R. Heim, T. perforans Heim, T. striatus f. griseus Heim, Boletellusananas (M. A. Curtis) Murrill, B. grisei-purpureus Cor., B. edulis Bull. ex Fr., B. luridus Schaeffer ex Fr., AlpovatrappeiFogel, Can-tharelluscibarius Fries, Craterellusaureus Berk. & Curis, Astraeushygrometricus (Pers.) Morgan, Lactariusaquifluus Peck, L. glaucescens Crossl., L. piperatus (Scop. ex Fr.) S. F. Gray, L. vellereus (Fr.) Fr., L. virescens Fr., R. densifolia (Secr.) Gill, R. emetica (Schaeff. & Fr.) S.F. Gray., R. xelempelina (Schaeff.) Fr., R. foetens (Pers.) Fr., R. rosacea (Pers. ex Secr.) Fries, R. violeipes Quél., R. virescens (Schaeff.) Fries. and those found only in 2009 were Bo-letuscurtisii M. A. Curtis, B. nobilis Peck, RussulaalboareolataHongo, R. cyanoxantha (Schaeff. ex Secr.) Fr. The mushrooms that had been found had significantly relations to the surrounding physical conditions. Second, there was a relationship between the Shoreasiamensis Miq. and Amanita princeps Cor.& Bas., Amanita hemibapha (Berk. & Br.) Sacc. subsp.javanica. Cor. & Bas., Boletus chrysenteron Bull., Boletus griseipurpureus Cor. and Heimiellarestipora (Pat & Bek.) Boedijn. at the intensity of spores 500, 5000, 50000 per each. From the SPSS for ANOVA analysis, the Shor