For the past forty years the search for dark matter has been one of the primary foci of astrophysics, although there has yet to be any direct evidence for its existence [1]. Indirect evidence for the existence of dark matter is largely rooted in the rotational speeds of stars within their host galaxies, where, instead of having a :r1/2 radial dependence, stars appear to have orbital speeds independent of their distance from the galactic center, which led to proposed existence of dark matter [1,2]. We propose an alternate explanation for the observed stellar motions within galaxies, combining the standard treatment of a fluid-like spacetime with the possibility of a “bulk flow” of mass through the Universe. The differential “flow” of spacetime could generate vorticies capable of providing the “perceived” rotational speeds in excess of those predicted by Newtonian mechanics. Although a more detailed analysis of our theory is forthcoming, we find a crude “order of magnitude” calculation can explain this phenomena. We also find that this can be used to explain the graviational lensing observed around globular clusters like “Bullet Cluster”.