Background: Supracutaneous plating using a locking compression plate (LCP) as an external fixator in compound periarticular areas is facilitated by the development of anatomical plates. The soft tissue around the distal tibia is easily compromised by trauma and subsequent operative fracture treatment posing a definitive challenge in the distal tibia compound fractures. The purpose of this report is to describe our successful results using the metaphyseal locking compression plate (LCP) as an external fixator in the treatment of Grade I & II compound fractures of distal tibia. Methodology: A total of five (05) patients underwent “supracutaneous plating” of the tibia using a metaphyseal locking compression plate. Average age was 36 years. Regular screw tract dressings were done. Average period of follow-up was 15 months. Results: The plate was in situ for an average of 24 weeks. There were no clinically significant screw site infections. In all five patients the plate was kept in place until there was complete consolidation both clinically and radiologically. At the latest follow-up (average 15 months), all patients were fully weight bearing with a fully healed tibia. All patients were infection-free with well-healed wounds. Conclusion: Routinely, after initial debridement and temporary bony stabilization is provided by external fixation in compound fractures of the distal tibia with significant soft tissue injury. Most external frames for the lower leg are bulky and cumbersome, causing significant problems for the patient. To circumvent these issues, we have successfully used an anatomically-contoured supracutaneous metaphyseal locking compression plate as external fixator in a series of five patients for grade I & II compound fracture of the distal tibia.