Tests of the capacity of shear connections consisting of nails in a row placed at distances 7, 10 and 14d, “d” being the cross-sectional dimension of the nail, versus single nail capacities, were executed. The performed tests do support the connotation that no reduction should be required for nails of diameter 2.8 mm or less in a row, provided that nails are spaced sufficiently far apart for wood cracking not to occur. At the ultimate capacity of the joint, all such thin nails in a row will be yielding, having developed plastic hinges, i.e. each single nail will have developed its ultimate capacity. Hence, the ultimate capacity of the connection will be each nail’s capacity times the number of nails in the row. The force pr. nail increases subsequent to the development of a plastic hinge. This is likely due to the axial pullout-force, i.e. the ultimate capacity of a shear connection is higher than the force required for developing plastic hinges in the nails. This additional capacity-reserve may also partly be attributed to the rotational resistance of nails. The number of nails in a row should make insignificant difference in the pr. nail capacity, as long as no wood cracking takes place. Thus, applying elastic theory to nails in a row does not seem relevant. This is in contrast to bolt-connections.