It is nowadays well reported that collapsible soils spread in many countries, including United States, Russia, China, South America (e.g. Brazil), South and North Africa (e.g. Egypt, Algeria), Middle East (e.g. Saudi Arabia) and many countries in Eastern Europe. In general, collapsible soils are located in arid and semi-arid regions around the world. This special type of soil is characterized by abrupt reduction in strength, excessive and sudden settlement when it becomes wet leading to failure of the structure. Construction on such a kind of soil is one of the prominent problems in geotechnical engineering. The main objectives of this study are reporting geological and geotechnical zonation maps for potentially collapsible soils in inhabited areas in Egypt. Furthermore, a design technique for foundations built on a shallow depth of Egyptian macro-porous collapsible soils (less than 4 m) is developed. The design method includes a design chart for soil collapse field classification in terms of the most governing parameters, a method for foundation settlement estimation based on a correlation between the wetting-induced collapse strain and the applied pressure, and a design practice to guide practicing engineers to select the appropriate foundation system to construct on such soil with a great degree of confidence and safety.