[Objective]The research aimed to study removal effects of the organic matter and N by box filler enhancing MBR process.[Method]By adding box filler into reaction pool of the MBR to treat domestic sewage,removal effects of the organic matter and N by box filler enhancing MBR process were studied.[Result]COD means in effluent were respectively 26.8 and 24.7 mg /L without and with adding filler.Average removal rates of the NH 3-N were respectively 98.44% and 96.37% with and without dosing filler,while average removal rates of the TN were 24.03% and 16.43%,respectively.COD and NH 3-N concentrations in effluent were lower than Level-one A criteria of Discharge Standard of the Pollutant for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant(GB18918-2002).NO 3-N was main existence form of the TN in effluent and occupied 98.06%,while NH 3 N and NO 2-N only accounted for 1.22% and 0.72%.Further suggestion for denitrification study was as below.Firstly,the proportion of box filler on volume of the reaction cell should increase to 4%-5%.Secondly,single smaller filler with larger amount of internal fiber ought to be replaced.Thirdly,aeration amount needed to be decreased to right value,making that DO of the MBR reaction cell reduced to 1.5-3.0 mg /L.[Conclusion] The research provided theoretical basis for future engineering practice.