We consider FLRW cosmological models for perfect fluid (with ρ as the energy density) in the frame work of the f(ρ) modified theory of gravity [V. N. Tunyak, Russ. Phys. J. 21, 1221 (1978);J. R. Ray, L. L. Smalley, Phys. Rev. D. 26, 2615 (1982)]. This theory, with total Lagrangian R-f(ρ), can be considered as a cousin of the F(R) theory of gravity with total Lagrangian F(R)-ρ. We can pick proper function forms f(ρ) to achieve, as the F(R) theory does, the following 4 specific goals, 1) producing a non-singular cosmological model (Ricci scalar and Ricci tensor curvature are bounded);2) explaining the cosmic early inflation and late acceleration in a unified fashion;3) passing the solar system tests;4) unifying the dark matter with dark energy. In addition we also achieve goal number 5) unify the regular matter/energy with dark matter/energy in a seamless fashion. The mathematics is simplified because in the f(ρ) theory the leading terms in Einstein’s equations are linear in second order derivative of metric wrt coordinates but in the F(R) theory the leading terms are linear in fourth order derivative of metric wrt coordinates.