A new non-binary decoding method, which is called Yaletharatalhussein decoding algorithm, is designed and implemented for decoding non-binary convolutional codes which is based on the trellis diagram representing the convolutional encoder. Yaletharatalhussein decoding algorithm outperforms the Viterbi algorithm and other algorithms in its simplicity, very small computational complexity, decoding reliability for high states TCM codes that suitable for Fourth-Generation (4G), decreasing errors with increasing word length, and easy to implement with real-time applications. The proposed Yaletharatalhussein decoding algorithm deals with non-binary error control coding of the convolutional and TCM codes. Convolutional codes differ from block codes in that a block code takes a fixed message length and encodes it, whereas a convolutional code can encode a continuous stream of data, and a hard-decision decoding can easily be realized using the Yaletharatalhussein algorithm. The idea of non-binary codes has been extended for symbols defined over rings of integers, which outperform binary codes with only a small increase in decoding complexity. The simulation results show that the performance of the nonbinary TCM-based Yaletharatalhussein algorithm outperforms the binary and non-binary decoding methods.