Injection is said to be safe when causing no harm to the recipient, and it does not expose provider to avoidable risk and does not result in any waste that is dangerous for other people. Purpose: The study was carried out to determine the perspectives of the Saudi health care providers on the safe use and disposal of injection. Methods: Prospective cross sectional survey was used, structured interviews were carried out by the use of pretested questionnaire to elicit general opinions on injection practices skills, and disposal processes in different health settings in Taif Area. Results: Females were dominant injection providers 82.3%. About 80% of providers tend to discard single use injection at once after administration and 84% tend to safely dispose them. Hygienic measures were well maintained. Increased used pattern of injection was observed 46%. Providers were well satisfied by the measures adopted to curb after using hazards. High rate of injection sticks 74.3% was observed. Conclusion: Although some measures of safe disposal were maintained by Saudi injections’ providers, still some regulation efforts should be done to curb spreading out of infection due to mal use and disposal of injection.