40 Years of Painting and Writingin Tibet The author Han Shuli receivedhis master's degree from ChinaCentral Academy of Fine Artsin 1982. He has studied andworked in Tibet since 1973. Heis a member of Chinese People'sPolitical Consultative Conference,a council member of ChinaArtists Association, Chairmanof Tibet Artists Association,President of Tibet Paintingand Calligraphy Academy, andExecutive Director of ChinaAssociation for Preservation andDevelopment of Tibetan Culture.The book consists of threesections, with totally 100 essayswritten over a period of 40 years.Each piece is about 1000 words,telling the author's experiencesand feelings in Tibet from botha common people's perspectiveand a painter's artistic view.The book was published byChina Tibetology Press in Oct.2013, at the price of 68 Yuan(ISBN:97878O25364181).