Recently, we have constructed a new set of isospin non-conserving (INC) shell-model Hamiltonians as a combinationof isospin conserving (IC) Hamiltonian, Coulomb interaction and effective isospin-symmetry breaking forcesof nuclear origin[1]. The advantage is that Coulomb effects are taken into account with great care, thus the new ap-Fig. 1 (color online) The comparison of resonant rates of23Al(p;)24Si calculated by IC and INC Hamiltonians. TheINC Hamiltonians of OB+USD, OB+USDA, OB+USDBwere constructed in Ref. [5]; whereas (cd-USD), (cd-USDA),(cd-USDB) are INC Hamiltonians in Ref. [1]. USD, USDA,USDB are IC Hamiltonians in Ref. [6].proach allows one to describe more accurately and topredict unknown nuclear level schemes and decay modes.Since the approximate isospin-symmetry becomes broken,a realistic amount of isospin-mixing in nuclearstates is thus introduced. Among numerous applicationsto the structure of proton-rich nuclei, we usedthe new Hamiltonian to calculate resonant reaction andnon-resonant reaction (direct capture) rates of radiativeproton-capture reactions important for astrophysical rpprocess.