The qualitative solutions of dynamical system expressed with nonlinear differential equation can be divided into two categories. One is that the motion of phase point may approach infinite or stable equilibrium point eventually. Neither periodic excited source nor self-excited oscillation exists in such nonlinear dynamic circuits, so its solution cannot be treated as the synthesis of multiharmonic. And the other is that the endless vibration of phase point is limited within certain range, moreover possesses character of sustained oscillation, namely the bounded nonlinear oscillation. It can persistently and repeatedly vibration after dynamic variable entering into steady state;moreover the motion of phase point will not approach infinite at last;system has not stable equilibrium point. The motional trajectory can be described by a bounded space curve. So far, the curve cannot be represented by concretely explicit parametric form in math. It cannot be expressed analytically by human. The chaos is a most universally common form of bounded nonlinear oscillation. A number of chaotic systems, such as Lorenz equation, Chua’s circuit and lossless system in modern times are some examples among thousands of chaotic equations. In this work, basic properties related to the bounded space curve will be comprehensively summarized by analyzing these examples.