Two compact and intense 2.45 GHz permanent proton sources and their corresponding low energy beam transport(LEBT) systems were developed successfully for China Accelerator Driven Sub-critical system (C-ADS) in 2014,one of which was built at IMP, Lanzhou and the otherat IHEP, Beijing. Both proton sources can deliver stable10 mA/35 keV proton beams at CW mode to theentrances of the downstream RFQs. As shown in Fig. 1,the beams extracted by a 3-electrode extraction systemare transported by the LEBT system, which is composedof 2 identical solenoids, and into the 3.2 or 2.1MeV radio-frequency quadrupole (RFQ). In order toensure superconducting cavities commissioning and protection,an electrostatic-chopper has been designed andinstalled in the LEBT line that can chop the cw beamFig. 2 Total hydrogen ion beam current versus input power.into a pulsed one. The achieved fall/rise time of thechopper is less than 20 ns.