Background: Introduction of inactivated polio vaccine is imminent and may encounter the challenges that face new vaccines especially vaccine hesitancy. The study evaluated factors that may contribute to hesitancy towards IPV. Methods: Questionnaire adapted from the model developed by the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts Working Group (SAGE WG) was used to assess the factors among 408 parents. The evaluation was under the 3 Cs: Confidence, Complacency and Convenience. Questions were scored on Likert 4-unit-scale system. The data were analyzed using SPSS and, multivariate analysis was used to further test individual significant variables. Results: Overall, Complacency (2.29) and Convenience (2.11) domains were more pro-vaccine hesitant, than Confidence (1.83) domain. However, none was significantly associated with likelihood of a parent’s hesitancy towards IPV vaccination. But certain individual questions: competence of vaccinators (p = 0.04), confidence that their child will not to be infected with poliomyelitis even when not vaccinated (p = 0.03) and, willingness to vaccinate with IPV when OPV is still in use (p = 0.01) were significantly associated with vaccine hesitancy. Conclusions: None of the factors can individually influence acceptance of IPV. However, competence of vaccinators, parental belief and availability of close alternative influenced parental decision to vaccinate.