The effect of gamma on nuclear track detector type PM-355 (at the dose range 200 to 1600 kGy) and thermal neutron (flux 105 n·cm-2·s-1) was calculated by using of two irradiation methods. First method (G + N) was an irradiation PM-355 detector by gamma radiation and then irradiation by thermal neutrons, and another method (N + G) was irradiated by thermal neutrons and then gamma radiation. FTIR-spectroscopy was used to measure the change in deferent of transmission percent ΔT% at the wavenumber 1260 cm-1 with wavenumber 2962 cm-1 [ΔT%]1260-2962 and wavenumber 1138 cm-1 [ΔT%]1260-1138. The values of [ΔT%]1260-2962 and [ΔT%]1260-1138 were increasing with the increase of gamma irradiation with maximum response at 820 kGy and then drop after this dose until to 1600 kGy. This study determined the linear equations relation between the effect of gamma radiation on PM-355 detector and the change of [ΔT%]1260-2962 and [ΔT%]1260-1138, and this change appeared in (N + G) irradiation method better than in (G + N) irradiation method. The appearance of wavenumber 2964 cm-1 in (G + N) irradiation method referred to alkyl asymmetry C-H bond stretched out of skelated plane after changes in chemical structure of PM-355 detector by gamma or neutrons radiation.