Introduction: The aims of this study were to establish an estimate of the prognosis and to identify the variables predictive of survival following the diagnosis of metastatic bone disease. Materials and Methods: Ninety-seven patients diagnosed with skeletal metastases confirmed by histological examination between 1991 and 2010 were selected. Data were retrospectively collected including age and sex, sites and histology of the primary tumour and skeletal metastases, presence of visceral metastases, pathological fracture, and the treatment received. Results: Ninety-three patients (95.9%) were deceased. The overall rate of survival was 47% at 6 months, 31% at one year and 10% at three years. Multivariate analysis confirmed the grade of malignancy, age and systemic therapy as independent predictors of survival. Discussion and Conclusion: The prognosis of patients with skeletal metastases should be estimated according to the site and histology of the primary tumour, grade of malignancy and age at the time of presentation.