Increased MMP-1 expression in various tumor cells is significantly correlated with cancer progression. Enhanced secreted and intracellular level of MMP-1 is found in breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231 in presence of ECM glycoprotein fibronectin. To extrapolate this study into in vivo system, we observed the expression of MMP-1, fibronectin and α5β1 integrin, which is the receptor for fibronectin, in breast cancer tissue samples. Expression of active form of MMP-1 was increased in tumor samples compared with the non-tumor counterpart. In some samples pro-MMP-1 was decreased but active form was increased in tumor part. The difference was more prominent in advanced stage tumor. ELISA showed appreciable increase in expression of α5 and β1integrins in tumor tissue in comparison to the non tumor counterpart in case of advanced stage tumor. Though there is no appreciable difference in fibronectin concentration, enhanced α5, β1 integrin expression may mediate enhanced cell-ECM interaction to upregulate MMP-1 in tumor samples compared with the matched control.