The so-called geotechnology has been used in recent years in the planning, supervision and monitoring of various human activities, both locally and regionally, nationally and internationally, either it in the rural environment, as in urban áreas. This study, based on references and activities in the Geographic Information Analysis Laboratory of the Federal University of Pará (LAIG/UFPA), selects and presents the application of three tools for spatial analysis available in the Terraview [1] and Arcgis softwares, with the main objective being to demonstrate how they can be applied in geographical studies, starting with the spatial information gathered by remote or Field sensors, assisting the activities of researchers who stick to working with the planning and management of natural and human resources. Geotechnologies are important tools in the analysis of geographic space and its use tends to be increased with the advancement of new software and hardware collection, manipulation and generation of new specialized information. So we will do in this manuscript a brief discussion of three spatial analysis tools that can be used in rural areas with agricultural potential.