Although preterm birth is the delivery before 37 + 0 weeks of gestation, the majority of prema-turity-related complications occur before 33 + 0 weeks of gestation. The need of today is to select the best agent out of the broad spectrum of available tocolytic agents, for providing maximum benefit to unfortunate sufferers of prematurity. The study aims to assess the role of “Dermal Nitroglycerin Patch” in treatment of preterm labour. Method: Study conducted in Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, NIMS Medical College & Hospital, Jaipur from July 2014-December 2014. A prospective randomized study of 50 women of preterm labor was enrolled after informed consent. Patients were given dermal nitroglycerin patch as tocolytic agent according to study protocol. Result: 1) Results of NTG PATCH are comparable with other tocolytic drugs in terms of successful tocolysis;2) Maternal and fetal outcome is favourable in cases of NTG PATCH USE in preterm labour;3) Side effect profile was also better with NTG Patch. Conclusion: This randomized prospective study lends support to the proportion that Transdermal Nitroglycerine (NTG Patch) may be promising safe, effective, well tolerated, cost effective and non invasive method of tocolysis.