This work revises and extends the author’s previous work (2015), Journal of Modern Physics, 6, 78- 87, by proposing that the index of refraction n of intergalactic space (IGS) is of electromagnetic origin. This leads to a theoretical expression for n that agrees very well with the least squares value obtained previously. A table comparing the fractional distance increase predicted by the two differently obtained indices is given. This revised view requires that the high energy charged particles found in cosmic rays originate from high energy neutral particles, presumably high energy gamma rays, that were able to travel through the IGS without energy loss due to Cherenkov radiation. An alternative explanation for the counter indication from the IceCube findings of Abassi, R., et al. (2012) Nature, 484. 351-353 is proposed, which might also explain the findings of Aartsen et al. (2013) Physical Review Letters, 111, 021103. Since the model predicts galaxies act as divergent lenses, a geometrical analysis and corresponding figure describing this effect is given, as well as a table for a range of angles to the image galaxy relative to the direction to a target galaxy that is divergently lensed. The reduction of the speed of light in the IGS leads to a revision of the Planck (2015) value of the Hubble constant of ~68 km·s-1·Mpc-1 to ~47 km·s-1·Mpc-1, and hence an age for the Einstein-de Sitter universe greater than that of the oldest white dwarfs in the Galaxy, thereby resolving a long-standing problem with this model of the universe.