The population structure and diversity of plankton in the wetland of Qilihai in Tianjin was investigated in May, July and September, 2012 by fi eld investigation and sampling examination. The results showed that there were 44 species of phytoplankton belonged to 6 phyla, including 11 species of Cyanophyta, 18 species of Chlorophyta, 8 species of Bacillariophyta, 4 species of Euglenophyta, 1 species of Pyrrophyta and 2 species of Cryptophyta. There were 13 genus and 22 species of zooplankton, among which 4 genus and 4 species belonged to Cladocera; 2 genus and 2 species belonged to Copepoda; 7 genus and 16 species belonged to Rotifera. The investigation results of density and biomass of plankton in May, July and September showed that the density and biomass of phytoplankton was shown as September>July>May, and that of zooplanktonic was shown as May>September>July. In addition, the diversity of phytoplankton and zooplanktonic were evaluated using Shannon-Wiener index, and the results demonstrated that the phytoplankton species were rich in May, July and September, while the zooplanktonic species were poor in May and general in July and September. There were explicit relationships between the diversity characteristics of plankton and nutrient pollution which caused water eutrophication, and the extent of water eutrophication in the different months was also shown as May>July>September.